Tag: direto

Ventoux Climbs : IRL vs. Zwift Comparison
by Alexis CASTELLI | 22 Jul 2020 | Software, Zwift, Zwift Cycling | 3 |
Alexis climbed the Mount Ventoux by Bédoin In Real Life and on Zwift at 48 hours intervals. Still alive, still standing, he shares with us the story of his adventures and compares his ascent of the Giant of Provence and that of his pixel twin.
A new Elite Direto is coming (Direto XR)…
by Bertrand PASQUIER | 22 Jul 2020 | Hardware, Home Trainer | 0 |
Direto X offers one of the best Q/P ratio. Victim of its success during lockdown, it has remained unavailable since. We learn today that it will not be re-released but that a new version will be available soon.

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Ventoux Climbs : IRL vs. Zwift Comparison22 Jul 2020
A new Elite Direto is coming (Direto XR)…22 Jul 2020